The Confederate Jasmine is going crazy in front and the scent is intoxicating.
I can smell it all the way in the back.
I planted two of these and two pink jasmines in the new bed, close to the table. I'm now afraid that in the near future, spring in my back yard will
choke you with the jasmine fragrance. Oh well.
Baby cilantro seedlings. Aren't they cute? They taste really good, remind me in a week to plant some more. I'm going to let a few bolt so I can harvest the seeds for spices and more little cilantro plants. Cilantro is one of my most favorite flavors and I'm very excited that these are growing right now.
Yesterday was the first day I began to feel a little over being outside. Namely because a bug flew in my eye. Then I began to feel itchy and sorta hot. I noticed some mosquitoes, and I was like, Fuck this, I'm going inside.
Mexican Hat.
New pictures please!!